Contact Stephanie Schuman,
Principal Counsel & Attorney-at-Law

North Carolina

North Carolina's Hemp Research Pilot Program

North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services is now accepting applications from applicants wishing to grow industrial hemp in North Carolina's Hemp Research Pilot Program. There is currently no deadline to apply. To apply, you must be a farmer who can demonstrate a gross income from your most recently filed U.S. Income Tax Return.

  1. Go to the application.
  2. Fill out the application
    1. Note that you cannot close out of the application and go back into it.
    2. You can apply for a license to Research with Intent to Market. You can apply for a one-year or three-year license.
    3. You must include the GPS coordinates for all intended plantings and storage in order to be considered for a license.
    4. You must also know the types of industrial hemp and its origin for the application.
    5. An entity must notify the Plant Industry Division of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services within 30 days if any information from the original application changes.
    6. Additionally, licensed industrial hemp growers are required to report data, information, and results related to their stated research purpose to North Carolina State and North Carolina A&T.

Contact the attorneys at Leaf Legal, P.C. for help navigating the application process. 

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